Regiunea separatistã Transnistria nu va face apel pentru a se alãtura Rusiei, as stated by Kirilo Budanov, șeful serviciilor de informații militare ucrainene, during a press conference called "Ucraina. Anul 2024". The information was reported by Kyiv Independent.
There have been concerns after the War Study Institute released a warning on February 22nd, stating that Transnistria plans to hold a referendum on joining Russia, with an official announcement expected to be made during a Congress of Transnistrian Deputies on February 28th. "No one will join the Russian Federation on the 28th", Budanov stated, also mentioning that there will be no issues for Ukraine, as it shares a border with Transnistria.
The Ukrainian Military Intelligence Service (HUR) has also written that the rumor shows signs of a "deliberate disinformation campaign aimed at destabilizing the situation in the region." Transnistria is internationally recognized as part of the Republic of Moldova. The region declared its independence in 1991, following the Soviet coup attempt in the same year. A ceasefire agreement between Moldova and Transnistria established a Russian military presence in the region. Tensions between Moldova and Transnistria have increased since the start of Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine, with fears of a possible armed conflict in Moldova.
Vadim Krasnoselski, Russia's proxy leader in Transnistria, called for an intensification of military exercises and increased readiness on January 22nd, claiming it was a response to alleged provocations from Moldova. Kiev has declared that it will "firmly respond" to any attempt to involve Transnistria in Russia's war against Ukraine and to destabilize the situation in Moldova, stated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on February 20th.
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